Engineering Graphics and Design integrates cognitive and manipulative skills to communicate graphically, using a combination of lines, symbols and signs in order to produce products, processes, services and systems which contribute towards economic growth and enhanced quality of life.
Engineering Graphics and Design as a subject gives learners the opportunity to:
■ communicate ideas graphically by employing drawing instruments and computer-based tools;
■ learn by solving problems in creative ways;
■ carry out practical projects and tasks using the process skills of investigating by means of meaningful research, designing, making, evaluating and communicating;
■ learn by dealing directly with human rights and social and environmental issues in their project work;
■ use and engage with knowledge in a purposeful way; and
■ create more positive attitudes, perceptions and aspirations towards manufacturing, engineering and technology-based careers.
Training in CAD design, architectural, civil, mechanical and electrical engineering:
■ cognitive development (visualisation, insight and perception);
■ free-hand, instrument and computer-aided design;
■ 3-dimensional (3D) and 2-dimensional 2D CAD blocks & drawings
■ projection methods;
■ spatial drawings; and
■ sectioning (detail and assembly drawing).
Embedded in each of these concepts are the following technologies:
■ CAD mechanical technology;
■ CAD electrical technology;
■ CAD civil technology; and
■ CAD architectural design & technology.
The Technology Learning Area encourages learners to engage in investigating, designing, making, evaluating and communicating solutions. It equips learners with knowledge and skills that enable them to be competent and confident when operating within a manufacturing, engineering, CAD design or technological environment.
■ applications of the principles of Mathematics, Physical Sciences, Computer Applications Technology and Life Sciences to manufacturing, engineering and technology problem solving;
■ 2D CAD conceptual design, synthesis and graphics;
■ conceptual knowledge, understanding and application of materials and processes in manufacturing and the built environment; Engineering Graphics and Design
■ architectural, mechanical, structural, electrical and civil engineering;
■ communicating technical, supervisory and general management effectively, both orally and in writing, using appropriate language, structure, style and graphical support;
■ application of codes of practice (standards and conventions) and legislation;
■ mobilising indigenous knowledge so that learners can benefit from indigenous technologies and indigenous technological solutions; and
Engineering Graphics & CAD Resources
Get started with a career in CAD & Engineering drawings. For a extensive library of 2D AutoCAD Blocks & Drawings, visit today!
Engineering Graphics textbooks for schools
Engineering Graphics and Design Textbook Grade 10 – New Format. Published by Allcopy.
Engineering Graphics and Design Textbook Grade 12 – New Format. Published by Allcopy.
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